Charge2C-NewCap LDA
C2C-NewCap is a Portuguese SME specialising in the development and production of hybrid supercapacitors. These cutting-edge devices represent an innovative and eco-friendly energy storage technology. C2C-NewCap is driven by its mission to drive the ongoing energy transition, aiming to revolutionise the landscape by introducing aqueous hybrid supercapacitors tailored for high-power applications. This technology optimises energy usage while minimising environmental impact, aligning with the company’s commitment to promoting sustainable and efficient energy solutions.
Role in Project
CC-NewCap has a multidisciplinary team with diverse backgrounds such as environmental, materials, corrosion, and energy storage engineering, as well as expertise in intellectual property and fundamental research related to energy storage materials and corrosion.
C2C’s core areas of expertise extend to cell design, process engineering, and the development of manufacturing strategies for cells of various sizes, following different application needs. Additionally, the team has specific know-how on demonstrating hybrid energy storage systems comprising supercapacitor modules and batteries, particularly tailored for high-power applications, to potential customers. Team members with specialized knowledge in these domains will be involved in SMHYLES new challenges of integrating supercapacitors with different battery technologies in large scale demonstrator, further expanding the company’s technological horizons.